
Bad Start


Bad Start

Thursday - We ducked out of work early on the Thursday before Good Friday (I even went so far as to squander an actual half-day of holiday) to be able to drive down to Folkestone in time to catch a train over to Calais for an overnight stop. However, Eurotunnel had other ideas, having had "an incident in the Tunnel", which had created delays of around five hours! Given that we hadn't been scheduled to arrive in Calais until 23:30 as it was, a five hour delay was going to be catastrophic.

Fortunately we received an e-mail notifying us of the issues just before we set off for Folkestone. We had a quick hunt on the Internet and found a (relatively) cheap ferry crossing from Dover that was scheduled to leave at around the same time as our train. So we booked that and decided to square things with the Eurotunnel people later.

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